噬魂怪物 In a small Florida town, the inhabitants are mysteriously disappearing. A hard core biker arrives in search of his missing daughter. He learns that a malignant force from another dimension, a Souleater, is causing the disappearances. He teams up with a burned-out sheriff and a defrocked priest to battle the creature and its zombie-like minions. 《噬魂怪物》劇情及《噬魂怪物》分集劇情由八哥網再編輯,出處來源http://www.8gw.in,如您覺得本站不錯,請推薦“八哥電影”給您的朋友!
《噬魂怪物》分集劇情由 八哥網二次編輯,轉載請保留原始出處!《噬魂怪物》劇情及《噬魂怪物》分集劇情由八哥網再編輯,出處來源http://www.8gw.in,如您覺得本站不錯,請推薦“八哥電影”給您的朋友!